
Wernecke Elementary Diamondettes

Squad for 2024-2025

The purpose of the spirit squad is for each member to participate in all upcoming scheduled events in the 2024-2025 school year personifying a responsible, positive image for Donna Wernecke Elementary.  The participants will have to meet the criteria listed below to stay on the squad.  Participants need to understand that this is a dance and cheer squad created to unite team members to spread cheer throughout the school and community.  The “diamondettes'' are about responsibility, not ability.  That being said, we are asking for a commitment.  If your child is already involved in activities in or out of school, please consider that this squad is a team and when one child misses it affects the entire team.  Also, we know this is asking for financial commitment by purchasing the uniforms.

The spirit squad is open to fifth through sixth grade students who meet the following mandatory items:

* Parent(s) must attend the May 1, 2024 informational meeting and fitting at 1:00pm. on May 16, 2024.

* Students must be passing all subjects and maintain a 95 or above in conduct.(not have failed two/more six weeks/subjects)

* Students must attend practice. (not have excessive school absences) 

Diamondette Expectations:

*Students should exemplify exemplary qualities of character. Students should be respectful, responsible, honest, reliable, dependable, cooperative, dedicated, and loyal.

*Students should be enthusiastic, self-disciplined, willing to learn, and prepared to practice to improve their performance and the performance of the squad.

*Students should understand that the schedule of a cheerleader will require a time commitment and that members will be expected to put cheerleading as a priority, in conjunction with participation in all other sports, organizations or other nonacademic activities, including after-school activities.

*Students who do not meet candidate expectations will be issued demerits at the sponsor’s discretion. Any candidate receiving 9 or more demerits will be removed.