Well, Hello There!

learning is fun
Lorena Rivera
Kinder ~ DWE Chess Sponsor
room 107
conference time: 9:10 -9:40 AM or after school 3:45-4:15PM
Kinder is awesome!
     Parents, thank you for getting your child here on time. 🕗
3 tardies=1 absence; 3 early sign-outs=1 absence. 

We begin promptly at 7:50 AM with breakfast. Healthy eating gets the brain working! Share good eating habits & healthy food choices.
Please discuss with your child bathroom etiquette, washing hands, and good manners. Review our "Social Contract" with them and discuss the "Golden Rule". 🟡
A good habit is a nightly routine for children to look forward to as the day winds down and they settle into bed. Read a book every night/evening with your child to encourage it at school and for them to become life-long readers. 📚
I am looking forward to a WONDERFUL school year with your baby!
Please call me or message me on REMIND app with ANY questions or concerns!

Mrs. Lorena Rivera