Donna Wernecke Professional
School Counselors
Nelda Anaya-Folchi
Hello, My name is Nelda
Anaya-Folchi and I am one of your DWE School Counselors. My goal at Wernecke is
to make sure that all of our sudents are being academically and emotionally
successful. I graduated from UT Pan-American with a Bachelor of Education.Also,
I obtained my Master of Education in Counseling and Guidance. I have been
working as an educatior for 23 memorable years. I am pleased to be your School
Counselor at DWE. Please feel free to contact me whenever needed.
Erika Gonzalez

I am one of your DWE School Counselors. I graduated from UT Pan American with a Bachelor of Education. In addition, I obtained my
Master of Arts in Spanish and a Master of Education in Counseling and
Guidance. I have been working in Sharyland for 22 wonderful years. I am
pleased to be your School Counselor. Please feel free to contact me
whenever needed.